lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

Lesson Fifteen

Teacher´s name: Tatiana Alvarado
                          Flor Alvarado
Skill: Listening

To started the class students payed a game. They divided in two groups by the teacher and there were going to be the same pictures of the animals on the board. When the teacher mentions one animal. The student had to look for it and touch it with the fly swatter.

The vocabulaty was presented using flashcards.Teacher was going to repeat as many times as necessary
each animals while she was asking; what is it? it is a... ;Also, the teacher gave to some students one animal´s  name and they had to put it on the board with the correspondently animal.

A worksheet was provided by the teacher to each student. First, the teacher was going to explain what they did. Then, the teacher played the audio, Finally, students compared the answers with their classmates and then, with the teacher.

Students passed in front one by one. the teacher provided a dice to the students; she or he threw it. If  they
had a sad face were going to answer the question what is it? but if he or she got a happy face they did not participate

Finally, students worked in pairs. Then a puzzle provided to each pairs by the teacher

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