sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016


Teacher: Claudia Osorio

foreign language and second language are the same

Jean-Paul Narcy (11990)
learner needs to have other people  to learn
  • field dependant vs field independant
  • Réflectif vs impulsif
  • Sérialiste vs globaliste
  • Tolerant vs intolerant
  • Auditif vs visual vs kinesthetic 
Le style convergent
  • you prefer an abstract concepts, some definitions
 le style divergent
  • just like practice, it´s only practice
le style assimilateur
  • assimilate and practice
le style accommodateur
  • practice + testing+ make mistake + try again
Honey et mumfield
  • le style actif: expontaneus person, active, participate
  • le style reflechi: it´s a carefull person, they take time, thinking and practice
  • le style pragmatique: like to practice new ideas, and they are enthusiastic

Writting part is more focus
the easy way- translate

Methodology Directe
  • learn vocabulary
  • global environment

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

Lesson fifteen

Student´s name: Gabriela Irene Paredes
                         Cristian Adonay Avila
                         Monica Beatriz Cuellar
Skill: Reading

To start the class, student played hot potato

After that, teacher used flashcards with the name and pictures of professions: Teacher, nurse, doctor, secretary, soccer player, chef, singer, the picture was presented as many times as necessary.

Also, teacher provided a worksheet with a story to students, in the story were some blank spaces, ss needed to fill the blanks with correct name of the profession

Besides, Follow  commands, SS made 2 lines, and teacher pasted flashcards on the board, teacher told students to go to the board and point out the correct profession

finally, teacher played a game about professions

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

Lesson Fourteen

Teacher´s name: Alejandra Marroquin
                          Jennifer Mejia
                          Vanessa Flores
Skill: Listening

To start the class, students provided with a worksheet in which they had to write the name of the profession according to the image

Besides, teacher presented one new profession. Also, the teacher introduced the places in which people perform their professions.

Also, a worksheet provided by the teacher to each student. then, teacher played an audio, and students had
to complete the worksheet according to what they listened. After that, students compared the answers.

Moreover, A crossword pasted on the board. A bottle spun on the floor, and the student that pointed by the bottle to passed in front and complete the crossword.


Lesson thirteen

Teacher´s name: Gladys Galvez
                          Feliz Cruz
                          Lourdes Rodriguez
                          Luisa Zamora
Skill: Grammar

To start the class, teacher showed to students flashcards of the vocabulary used in the previous lesson (Pilot, Nurse, teacher, secretary, singer)

Also, teacher presented the new vocabulary topic using flashcards.

Besides, students practiced the verb "be" with a poster in the one that the professions changed of place

Moreover, teacher asked students to sit on the floor making a circle. Teacher spin a marker in the middle of the circle, the chosen ones asked and answered about the professions and phrases presented.

Finally, a funny matching activity with the labels was doing to review the class and finish the class

martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

lesson twenty

Teacher`s name: Luisa Elena Zamora Lazzo
                         Gabriela Irene Paredes

To start the class, flash students divided into two teams, the team that guest more objects won.

Also, Students divided into two groups, students drew what the teacher said, after she modeled the activity.

After that, teacher read aloud the questions that the students needed to answer. Then the task was reading. Students asked to answer. then to compare with a partner, and finally to share the answers

Besides, students resolved a word- search puzzle on the floor. One teacher guided this activity per group

lesson nineteen

Teacher´s name: Vanessa Turcios, Enma Martinez
Skill: Listening

To start the class, teacher provided a search word to students. As soon as students finished the search word, teacher checked the words that they find.


Teacher presented new vocabulary and vocabulary that the already know by using flash cards. Later, teacher asked some questions to students (what is this? is this...? Are those...?).

After that, Teacher gave a work sheet to students. Later teacher, played an audio about school, objects, so students had to listen the audio, and they had to select the correct word according to what they listened.

Also, teacher passed a ball and the student who got the ball had to take a piece of paper that the teacher had. Then, the teacher asked a question to student.

At the end, Students solved a puzzle game that teacher provided.

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

lesson eighteen

Teacher´s name: Alejandra Marroquin
                          Jennifer Mejia
Skill: Grammar

 Teacher gave to student s a page in which they had to find and circle 7 school objects on an picture.

The questions Is it? or Are they?, the answer It is or They are, in positive and negative form were going to be taught to students by using flashcards. Students provided with examples in order to make them understand when to use the singular "is" and the plural "are".


A worksheet with a picture, a question and two possible answers were given to students; they had to circle
the correct answers according to the picture. Then, answers were compared and shared with the class.

Students provided with a worksheet in which they had to answer the question "Is it or are they? according to the image that appear on it. Then, answers were compared in pairs.

A chart divided in 9, with the names of the school objects was paste on the board. Flashcards with the school objects was giving to some students, and they had to paste the flashcard in the correct place

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016

Lesson seventeen

teacher´s name: Gladys Guadalupe Galvez
                         Francisco Felix Lopez
                         Lourdes Guadalupe Rodriguez
Skills: Vocabulary


To start the class, students solved a quiz about the previous unit; also, students played a game in the one that
the teacher mention a part of the body  and students had to touch themselves in the part that was told. The parts were: head, shoulders, knees and toes.

After that, the new vocubulary was presented to students, and they gave 10 new words which the words were: Desk, Chair, scissors, back-pack, board, marker, ruler, eraser, pen, pencil. They wrote the new vocabulary down if they wanted.

Also, Teacher asked students "What is this?" "Is this a ___?" while having 2 objects in his or her hands. Then students had to answer giving  the name of the object that the teacher was remarking. Students also played "hot patato".


Besides, students were divided in 3 groups. They had to present to their classmates the objects they had 6
and teachers were monitoring them in the meantime

Finally, Students drew an object and they had to name it. Finally they pasted it on the board.

miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2016

lesson sixteen

Teacher´s name: Alejandra Marroquin
                          Jennifer Mejia
Skill: Reading

To start the class, teacher asked students to stand up, and made a circle. Flashcards of animals were going to give to each student. Students were presented by themselves, and the animal they had; after students had said that, the name tags were going to be given to them

 The new vocabulary was presented to students by using flashcards, and labels. Students were going to asked if they knew where the animals live at in order to check previous knowledge.

Also, the reading "At the zoo" was given to students; they were going  to read it alone. After that, an activity
in which students had to write the name of the animals that live on the ground, on the trees or in the water and they had to completed. Then, answers were compared and shared with their classmates.


Besides, Students were asked to look under the desk if they had a paper with the name of an animal, if they had it, they were going to pass to the board. Flashcards used on the pre- reading were pasted on the board and students pasted the names of the animals in the right place.

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

Lesson Fifteen

Teacher´s name: Tatiana Alvarado
                          Flor Alvarado
Skill: Listening

To started the class students payed a game. They divided in two groups by the teacher and there were going to be the same pictures of the animals on the board. When the teacher mentions one animal. The student had to look for it and touch it with the fly swatter.

The vocabulaty was presented using flashcards.Teacher was going to repeat as many times as necessary
each animals while she was asking; what is it? it is a... ;Also, the teacher gave to some students one animal´s  name and they had to put it on the board with the correspondently animal.

A worksheet was provided by the teacher to each student. First, the teacher was going to explain what they did. Then, the teacher played the audio, Finally, students compared the answers with their classmates and then, with the teacher.

Students passed in front one by one. the teacher provided a dice to the students; she or he threw it. If  they
had a sad face were going to answer the question what is it? but if he or she got a happy face they did not participate

Finally, students worked in pairs. Then a puzzle provided to each pairs by the teacher

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2016

Lesson Fourteen

Teacher´s name: Cristian Adonay Avila
                         Monica Beatriz Cuellar

Skill: Grammar


To started the class, Students made an animal sound and everyone had to make the same sound

Then, Teacher activated previous knowledge of students by showing flashcards with wild animals and teacher asked students about the name of animals, then teacher presented the grammar structure "what´s that? and what are those? teacher pasted in the board the questions and flashcards with singular and plural animals

After that, teacher pasted a poster on the wall with different wild animals and teacher asked "what´s that? or what are those? and students had to answer the question

Also, teacher provided a worksheet to students. They had to complete the question and answers that were incomplete in the exercises. Then, they had to compare answers with a partner


Finally, Students played "hot potatoes" they passed to each other when the teacher counts to ten, students
had to say the name of wild animal tat teacher will show in a poster

Lesson Thirteen

Teacher´s name: Luisa Elena Zamora
                         Gabriela Irene Paredes

Skill: Vocabulary

To started the class students did a circle, and they had to say their name and make a animal sound

After that,teacher presented the topic using flash cards. and the flash cards were amazing 


Also, students provided with worksheets.they matched the picture with its noun; after that, using a
worksheet. Students resolved a word search puzzle with teachers hep whether it were necessary

Then, students provided with paper sheets containing all the animals, they pointed their favorite animal, students presented their favorite animals, students in the front chosed by passing a ball

Finally, students played simon says

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2016

lesson twelve

Teacher´s name: Gladys Galvez
                          Felix Cruz
                          Lourdes Rodriguez
Skill: Reading


To start the class teacher asked students to stand up, and moved around the classroom, when the teacher said " sharks are coming, groups of 3" students had to make groups with such number of members.

Then, teacher presented the topic: "family and emotions", using representative faces for the members of the family (mom, dad, brother, and sister), and emoji´s emotions ( sad, angry, happy, surprised and worried) that later attached to each family member´s face. 


After that teacher read a story about family and emotions, students provided with a copy, so they could follow the reading. Students provided with a worksheet, in which they had to find the required words

Also, students asked to write one sentence using the vocabulaty presente. When everyone finished, 4 random. Students red one of the sentences they had to write and mention 2 emotions

Finally, teacher made a short review using the material from the presentation asking, "this is?" while showing the representative emoji, Student had to answer "it is happy".

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016

lesson eleven

Teacher´s name: Adonay Avila
                         Mónica Cuellar
Skill: listening
Topic: Family Hobbies

To start the class, Students introduced themselves when they said their names they made a funny sound.

Also, Teacher activated previous knowledge of the students by singing a sung about the members of the family, and in the song teacher introduced the new vocabulaty about the favorite activities of the members of the family.

Moreover, Students listened to a story about the favorite activities of the family then; they answered some questions in a workship.

Then, Students shared with a partner the favorite activity of their family, then teacher select three students, and they had to share with the class the favorite activity of one member of their family.

Finally, Students was singing the song that was taught for the teacher in previous stage.

lesson number ten

Teacher´s name: Tatiana Alvarado
                          Flor Alvarado
Skill: Grammar

topic: Possessive Adjectives

At the beginning of the class a personal presentation was presented by the students. They made two; also, they were in front to each other while they were using the question what´s your name? To made them comfortable with their classmates.

After that, the topic was presented using a poster. The teacher was going to explain the topic clarifuing which are the possessives that they had to use with the subject. Moreover, some examples provided by the teacher using some students.The topic was explained as many time as necessary.


Then, a page of exercises was going to be provided by the teacher. Students worked in pairs, and had to circle the best option in each sentence, students had to choose only one answer.

Also, students played a game, and they had to write some subjects, students were passing a balloon while the teacher was counting when she stops, student who had it, they had to pass in front to saythe possessive adjective of the subject that was written in his or her nametag

Moreover, a circle was made by students, then, one box and one plastic bag was provided by the teachers.Each student had to take out one family member face  from the box and one possessive adjective from the plastic bag. Then, each student had to create a sentence using the possessive adjective

Finally, a feedback was provided by the teacher. Students made a line and each one had to say any possessive adjectives to the teacher

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016

Lesson nine

teacher´s name: Vanessa Turcios
                         Enma Martinez
Skills: Vocabulary


To start the class, students were asked to stand up and made a line; then, teacher said said the words Land and sea, and students jumped to each side according to what they listened.

Then, teacher Enma formed a circle on the foor by the teachers and the students, Teacher Enma showed flash cards of the family members (mother, father,sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother) were introduced by the teacher; also, each name of the family member was saying by the teacher and students had to repeat as many times as necessaty, the teacher presented the question who is he/she?

After that, a page with six squares and name of the family members was giving to students with little pictures by the teacher, each picture was pasted in each square by students, then teacher pasted a poster on the board, and teacher gave the flash cards to students, and they pasted on the poster

At the end, students draw a family member and went to the board to presented it 

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2016

Lesson eight

Teacher´s name: Luisa Zamora
                         Tatiana Alvarado
                         Flor Alvarado
Skills: Reading


At the beginning of the class students played the game called: sharks are coming, students walked around the classroom, when the teacher Flor said "sharks are coming" students asked "how many?" the students who lost was going to answererd some questions that teacher asked.

Teacher Luisa introduced the activity mention that the class was going to have a trip to Bermuda that was why students must know what activities they could do there.So, the class had received a package containing images and words.

Teacher Flor was going to provide a page for reading to each student. they had a little time to read. Then, the reading had to be reading by some students aloud. After that, they talked with a partner what was the reading about. Later on, they did some exercises to practice.

Also, students worked in trios and they presented a short presentation about what places they liked to visit in the country? and why? and which activities can they do there?


at the end, students played a game called "hot ballon" of three different colors. Students passed them around while the teacher was counting, when the teacher stops. She said any color of the ballon and the person who had it, was going to answer a question